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NK505: Advanced Keying, Despill, Integration
Main Concepts Introduction
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Download Project Instructions (1:19)
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1- Introduction to nk505 (11:15)
2- Theory (6:33)
3- Vocab Keywords (4:10)
4- Ideal Keys VS Realistic Keys (6:44)
5- Breaking Down a Key (4:45)
6 - Unpremult and Premult (9:28)
Overview of Keyers
7 - Explaining the Keyers (10:26)
8- Keylight Overview (23:45)
9 - Primatte Overview (5:33)
10 - IBK Keyer (17:04)
11 - Hue and Luma Keyer (6:59)
Combining Keys
12 Combining Keys Overview (3:04)
13 Pre-Processing Footage (5:40)
14 - Combine Key P2 Grey Keys and Hair Keys (14:37)
15- Combine Key p3 core key garbage and copy (11:09)
16 - p4 combine key extra keyers (6:45)
17 Combine Key P5 - Testing Keys (2:46)
18 - Despilling Explained (18:54)
19 - Despill Madness (4:57)
20 - Despill Keylight (8:24)
21 - Despill HueCorrect (2:15)
Understanding Keying Structure (Theory)
22 - Understanding Compositing Structure (8:56)
23 - Follow Along, Building the Key (28:32)
Despill Further
24 - Despilling the Project (15:28)
25 - Integrating the Plate (23:27)
26 - Despilling Further (19:34)
27 - Despilling More (22:00)
28 - Despill Finalizations (6:58)
Blending and Grain
29 - Additive Key (12:00)
30 - Grain (16:03)
31 - Advanced Keylight Blend (10:28)
*Second Project*
32 SECOND PROJECT - Advanced Key (4:18)
32.5 SHOT ANALYSIS (11:58)
33 - Introduction to Project (3:45)
34 - Rotoscoping P1 (8:09)
35 - Rotoscoping P2 (8:07)
36 - Difficult Roto P3 (12:20)
37 - Roto and Keying P4 (11:27)
38 - Keying and More Prep (13:26)
39 - Keying Walk Through (20:29)
40 - Walk Through, Garbage and Holdouts (9:39)
41 - Walk Through - Mixing Luma Keys (23:37)
42 - Walk Through - Difficult Cross OVers (14:42)
Maintaining Holdouts, Fixing Seams, Core and Edge Mattes
43 - Walk Through - Blending Holdouts (12:42)
44 - Walk Through - Difficult Seams (31:25)
45 - Keying Fixes (18:22)
46 - Core Matte (17:12)
47 - Advanced Core Matte (15:07)
Edge Extending
49 - Edge Painting (10:20)
48 - Edge Extending (18:27)
50 - More Edges , Integration, Repo (20:44)
Advanced Despilling
51 Dynamic Despill (12:44)
52 - Despill Walkthru P1 (27:09)
53 - Despill Walkthru P2 (27:52)
54 - Despill Walkthru P3 (25:54)
55 *Optional* Timelapse Despill (10:26)
56 - Edge Painting (22:21)
57 - Integration Overview (16:21)
58 - Integration Black Points (21:18)
59 - Integration Creative (18:01)
60 - BG Elements (18:59)
61 - Integration Bounce Light (13:32)
62 - Integration Glows (16:51)
63 - Integration Grades and Grain (18:27)
64 - Integration BONUS (31:30)
Quality Control
65 - QC Part 1 (12:49)
66 - QC Part 2 (22:09)
67 - QC Part 3 (5:11)
68 End (2:49)
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Feedback Survey
44 - Walk Through - Difficult Seams
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